CASTALIDES PICTURES – Film, TV and Multimedia Production Company
E-mail: office(at)
PGP: office(at) 4096R/1E36D7C1
PLEASE NOTE: For legal reasons CASTALIDES PICTURES can not accept unsolicited material including, but not limited to, ideas, suggestions or materials concerning new products, content, characters, artwork, music, dialogue, scripts, names, synopsis, lyrics, demos, marketing or any other matters. By submitting any unsolicited content, materials, advice, feedback or any other information (collectively “Content”) to CASTALIDES PICTURES, you unconditionally grant to CASTALIDES PICTURES a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, fully-paid, transferable, right and license, with the right to sub-license through multiple levels of sub-licensees, under all of your intellectual property rights in the Content, to (a) reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, digitally transmit, and otherwise use the Content in any medium or format, whether now known or hereafter discovered and (b) exercise any and all other present or future rights in the Content.